Notable kids' book deals include a HarperCollins deal for author Julie Andrews Edwards to do three titles for the children's division, including two more Little Bo titles, and to launch her own imprint at Harper, called the Julie Andrews Collection, along with her daughter, Emma Walton Hamilton; this was arranged by editor-at-large Katherine Brown Tegenwith Andrews's agent Steve Sauerof Media Four and lawyer Oliver Sultan.... And veteran storyteller Madeleine L'Engle's 30-year-old classic, A Wrinkle in Time,is to reach the screen at last, in a four-hour miniseries that ABC will show next February; executive producers Catherine Handand Jordan Kernerare making the series with Miramax, in a deal made by the author's granddaughter, Charlotte Jones. The hardcover is still in print from FSG, the paperback's at Dell.... The little-known story of the first Native American baseball star, Louis Sockalexis, who played for Cleveland around the turn of the century, will be told in An Indian Summerby Brian McDonald, for which world rights (excluding Japan) have been sold by agent Jane Dystelto Stephane Tadaat Rodale.
Hot Deals is on vacation next week.