As PW goes to press, sources say that Golden Books has informed as many as 60 employees that they will be let go from the company in the coming weeks as a result of Golden's integration with Random House.
The exact number of employees affected by the layoffs, which are said to include several editors, was not confirmed by Random House spokesperson Stuart Applebaum, who would only acknowledge that a "number of Golden employees will not be continuing with the company." He added that despite the layoffs, "the majority of Golden's employees will remain with the company." However, Applebaum declined to reveal the exact number of remaining Golden employees.
Applebaum told PW that Golden Book's "publishing identity and program will continue," noting that both Golden and Little Golden will continue as imprints under Random House Children's Books. He emphasized that while there may be some "fine tuning," Random House will "honor contracts for the frontlist and backlist and books in the pipeline."
Other sources at RH suggested that Kate Klimo, v-p, publisher of the Random House Young Readers Group, will likely be tabbed to direct Golden's operations.
All laid-off employees will receive severance packages.