Junie B. Jones Redux
Random House and Merrymakers plan to mark the November publication of Barbara Parks's Junie B., First Grader (at last!), the series' first hardcover, with a shoelace giveaway. Merrymakers shoelaces will be featured on backer cards in Random's 10-copy floor displays. "[The book] is a new chapter in Junie's life," said Angela Adams, associate marketing manager at Random House. "She loses her bow, gets glasses and changes her shoes from patent leather to sneakers. We thought shoelaces would be another great giveaway." The partnership follows last year's successful promotion offering a free Merrymakers hairbow with purchase.
Meanwhile, Barnes & Noble, Borders, Hastings and Books-A-Million are doing well with Merrymakers' Junie B. dolls, and Scholastic will offer backpack pulls and dolls at its fall book fairs. "All that exposure just perpetuates itself," said Clair Frederick, Merrymakers president.
In Brief
The plush license for Marc Brown's Arthur has moved to Crocodile Creek. Now-defunct Eden Toys was the previous licensee.... Golden Books (now part of Random House) started shipping children's books in September tied to the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympic Games. The three titles are part of Golden's Road to Reading and Road to Writing literacy series.... On October 9, Random House released 18 Disney-licensed titles based on Disney/Pixar's upcoming feature film Monsters, Inc. Formats range from lenticular-cover and door-hanger novelty books to traditional read-aloud storybooks.... Hungry Minds authorized Bally Gaming for a licensed line of For Dummies video slot machines to debut in January 2002.... Mattel subsidiary Pleasant Company granted Hallmark the rights for American Girl greeting cards, gift wrap, partyware, stationery, ornaments, gifts and memory-keeping products. Five thousand Hallmark Gold Crown stores will feature merchandise and books in American Girl boutiques starting in fall 2002; Pleasant Company's store and catalogues will also carry Hallmark's products.