HarperCollins has launched HarperAcademic.com, a Web site that will provide middle school through college level educators with features and resources on using HarperCollins titles in their classrooms.
The site (www.harperacademic.com) provides around-the-clock access to information on titles across 30 disciplines from history and literary fiction to philosophy, business and religion. Users can request desk copies and instructor guides by e-mail or sign up for e-mail bulletins to new releases. The site also offers a schedule of academic conferences that HarperCollins representatives will be attending, where they will be available for face-to-face meetings.
David Steinberger, president of corporate strategy for HarperCollins, described the site as "a benefit not only to instructors but to our authors." He added that the site "provides us with a means to support our books long after publication. This is just one more facet of our broad e-strategy."