Jones and Bartlett Publishers has acquired the health-care book-publishing division of Aspen Publishers, a Wolters Kluwer subsidiary. Terms were not disclosed.
The purchase adds 150 textbooks and more than 400 professional books in the areas of health administration, public health, medicine, nursing, allied health, criminal justice, fund-raising and nonprofit management to Jones and Bartlett's publishing program. Clayton Jones, CEO of the Sudbury, Mass.—based educational publisher, said the acquisition of the Aspen titles "clearly reinforces our commitment to the growing health-care field."
Wolters Kluwer is busy sharpening its worldwide business focus. The sale of the health-care unit will allow Aspen to concentrate its publishing efforts on the legal and business markets. Last month, Wolters Kluwer sold its Kluwer Academic Publishing division to two London equity firms (News, Nov. 11).