Two weeks ago, Publishers Weekly mailed submission forms to exhibitors attending the upcoming BookExpo America 2003 in Los Angeles. Exhibitors need to fill out this form for a free listing in our comprehensive pre-convention issue of May 5. Requested information must be submitted by Friday, February 14.

Exhibitors need to answer the following 10 questions and send numbered responses to Kevin Howell via fax (646-746-6631) or e-mail (

  1. Give company name, address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address (if applicable), URL address (if applicable), and convention contact person.

  2. Are you a first-time exhibitor?

  3. Give a brief description of your business and the service or merchandise you offer booksellers.

  4. Are you exhibiting in a special section, such as children's, small press or international? If so, where?

  5. What products, services or books will be prominently featured at your booth? If you are displaying books, please give titles (and subtitles) and authors' names. (List titles in order of importance. Due to space limitations, we may not include all.)

  6. Will you offer any giveaways or conduct any drawings? Please list or describe.

  7. What special offers, such as discounts, freight allowance and dating plans, will be promoted at your booth?

  8. Are you planning any special events, either at the convention center or off-site, that will be open to all BEA attendees? Please describe.

  9. Will you have authors in attendance at your booth, doing autographings, press conferences or as event speakers?

  10. What is your booth number?

Audio/Video Section

As usual in this issue, we will include a separate listing for audio/video product. Exhibitors of audiobooks or video products need to submit the following information to Shannon Maughan via mail (10592 Perry Hwy, #280, Wexford, PA 15090), e-mail ( or fax (724-776-9449) by February 14. The requested audio/video information is:

  1. Name of your company and brief description

  2. A short list of lead titles or featured products. (Listings will be limited to short paragraphs.)

  3. Booth number.

Don't miss the opportunity to be listed in this issue (which is also handed out at the BEA).