Let those intrepid souls on Survivor, Fear Factor et al. feast on slugs, insects and disgusting animal parts—most of us are concerned with healthier fare. Thus it's no surprise that the latest work by diet guru extraordinaire Robert C. Atkins, M.D., grabs this week's top nonfiction spot a week after its January 27 pub date. According to publisher St. Martin's, Atkins for Life: The Complete Controlled-Carb Program for Permanent Weight Loss and Good Health already boasts 600,000 copies in print after six printings. Highlights along the extensive promotion trail include The View, Today, CNN's American Morning with Paula Zahn and Entertainment Tonight, plus an ABC radio satellite tour, with "much more on the way," said publicity manager Gregg Sullivan. Atkins, of course, has been a long-time resident on PW's paperback charts: Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution, from Avon, marks week #258 on the mass market side, and Quill's Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution hits week #19 on the trade paper list (a combined total of 14 million in print). And not a worm in sight.
With reporting by Dick Donahue