Appropriately enough, it was a Viking Penguin editor, Carole DeSanti, who bought a first novel about ancient days in Greenland by scholar/explorer Judith Lindbergh, who has hitherto confined her writing to scholarly articles. DeSanti likens the book, which follows three women and is tentatively titled The Thrall's Tale, to a cross between Jean Auel and Anne Rice for its combination of early-times authenticity (it's set 1,000 years ago) and supernatural doings involving magic and pagan ritual. The world rights deal was made with Emma Sweeney at Harold Ober agency, and Penguin rights director Hal Fessenden will be offering it around at Frankfurt.
Viking's Greenland Saga
Oct 03, 2003
A version of this article appeared in the 10/06/2003 issue of Publishers Weekly under the headline: