Many distributors are springing forward with new clients that have signed on beginning last month. SCB Distributors inked a deal with Black Inc., an imprint of Schwartz Publishing in Australia, which SCB marketing director Lance Tilford compares to the U.K.'s Granta.
National Book Network is continuing to expand its newly inaugurated children's line with the addition of new publisher CB Publishing in Woodland Hills, Calif. Its first list features four books for ages 4—8 written and illustrated by former Miss America 2000 Heather French Henry. Bonus Books in Los Angeles has also signed on with NBN as part of its own expansion. The house does books on pop culture, serious nonfiction and music. This spring, it will publish its first novel, Mourning Wood by Daniel Painser. Bonus Books' new religious line, True Ink, will be represented by NBN's Christian division, FaithWorks.
Two U.K. publishers have signed on this spring with Trafalgar Square, which specializes in distributing books from across the pond. Tempus Publishing switched from its own U.S. history publishing division Arcadia, and will relaunch its history, military history and archeology titles this spring. The first 50, including The Cable: The Wire that Changed the World by Gillian Cookson (Mar.) and The Vikings by Magnus Magnusson (May) will be featured in a separate Tempus catalogue. U.K. packager and illustrated book publisher Carroll & Brown will be distributed for the first time in the U.S. Launch titles include The First-Time Gardener by Jonathan Edwards (Apr.) and Heavenly Beer: A Taster's Guide to Monastery Tradition Ales and Lagers by Roger Protz (Mar.).
And Checker Book Publishing Group has expanded its original distribution agreement with Diamond Book Distributors, which will now be the exclusive U.S. distributor for the three-year-old Dayton, Ohio—based graphic novel house.