April was a relatively quiet month for the Publishers Weekly Stock Index, with the PWSI falling 1.8%, compared to a 1.3% decline for the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Stock prices fell for seven companies on the PWSI and rose for 14, although the gain at five companies in April was 1% or less. Hastings had the biggest gain in the month, with its stock price up 16.0%, due in part to a positive forecast for the new fiscal year. LeapFrog managed to end its stock slide and posted an 11.2% increase in April. Books-A-Million had the biggest loss in the month, with its stock price down 13.1%, nearly reversing the 14.1% increase it recorded in March. Failure to hit its second-quarter numbers contributed to a 9.2% decline in the stock price of Courier Corp.

Hastings Entertainment 5.69 6.60 16.0%
LeapFrog 19.35 21.51 11.2
Reed 35.50 37.70 6.2
Scholastic 27.25 28.36 4.1
McGraw-Hill 76.14 78.86 3.6
Books-A-Million 6.40 5.56 -13.1%
Courier Corp. 44.89 40.75 -9.2
Barnes & Noble 32.60 29.87 -8.4
Thomas Nelson 27.22 26.16 -3.9
Banta Corp. 46.29 44.48 -3.9
Publishers Weekly
Stock Index 526.83 517.16 -1.8%
Dow Jones Average 10,357.70 10,225.57 -1.3%

Source: Reed Business Information