Company Aug. 31 Sept. 30 % Change
September was a lackluster month for both the Publishers Weekly Stock Index and the Dow Jones Industrial Average, with the PWSI dipping 0.6%, while the Dow inched ahead 0.8%. Stock prices fell at 15 companies in September, while rising at only seven. A combination of a profit warning and the possibility of being delisted from Nasdaq combined to drop Books-A-Million's stock price by 12.5% in September, the steepest decline in the month. LeapFrog's stock price had its strongest showing in some time, and had the biggest gain in September, at 8.6%
Source: Reed Business Information
LeapFrog 13.60 14.77 8.6% 42.70 45.30 6.1
Banta Co. 48.95 50.89 4.0
Audible 12.00 12.29 2.4
Books-A-Million 10.29 9.00 -12.5%
Thomas Nelson 20.54 18.76 -8.7
Franklin Elec. Pub. 5.02 4.59 -8.5
Educational Dev. Corp. 10.05 9.31 -7.4
John Wiley & Sons 43.65 41.74 -4.4
Publishers Weekly
Stock Index 522.73 519.49 -0.6%
Dow Jones Average 10,481.60 10,568.70 0.8%