11: % of people who enjoy reading books digitally
13: % of people under 30 open to reading books digitally
6: % of people over 65 open to reading books digitally
43: % of people who go into a bookstore looking for a specific book
77: % of people who make additional purchases when looking for a specific book
52: % of people whose book purchases are swayed by cover art
49: % of people whose book purchases are swayed by reviews
60: % of people whose book purchases are swayed by recommendations from friends or family
35: % of people who have been swayed to purchase a book because of a cover quote
86: % of people who seek out books by authors they like
49: % of people who shop at indies as well as at chains and online
9: % of people who usually shop at indies
*The results are from a poll conducted by Random House/Zogby to help promote Zogby International president John Zogby's new book The Way We'll Be:The Zogby Report on the Transformation of the American Dream.