YA Doubles for Brown Agency
Liz Szabla at Feiwel and Friends paid six figures for two books from Andrew Smith. Szabla acquired world rights to Winger and The Marbury Lens, which are respectively slated for fall 2010 and fall 2011. Smith, who won ALA Best Books for Young Adults for his September 2008 novel, Ghost Medicine (also published by F&F), follows a boy at prep school, struggling with conformity, in the supernaturally tinged Winger; in The Marbury Lens, a teen who's pulled into an apocalyptic alternate universe struggles to get back home. Laura Rennert of the Andrea Brown agency brokered the deal.
At Knopf, Michelle Frey acquired world rights, in a pre-empt, to Sonia Gensler's debut, The Revenant, a Victorian ghost story set at a Cherokee girl's school in the old west. The deal is for two books with the first title slated for 2011. Jennifer Laughran, also of the Brown Agency, struck the deal.
Clinton Adviser to Voice
Patti Solis Doyle, a longtime political consultant who was a senior adviser to Hillary Clinton (from Bill's presidential run through to her election to the Senate), has sold her memoir to Barbara Jones, editorial director at Voice. Jones bought world rights from Mel Berger and Eric Lupfer at William Morris, and the book is slated for 2011. While the memoir will recount Solis Doyle's 20-year career in politics, featuring her interactions with Beltway heavies ranging from the Clintons to Joe Biden, the focus will be on her father, a Mexican immigrant who, while working multiple jobs to support his wife and six kids, stood as a powerful example to his daughter. Solis Doyle, who grew up on Chicago's South Side, would later need to make her own difficult way as a Latina working in the white male—dominated world of politics.
Magical 56
Terry McDonell, group editor of Sports Illustrated and publisher of Sports Illustrated Books, has acquired world rights to Kostya Kennedy's new book about Joe DiMaggio, 56: The Last Magic Number in Sports and the Birth of Joe DiMaggio. Andrew Blauner made the deal. Kennedy, a senior editor at SI, focuses on DiMaggio's 1941 feat—getting at least one hit in 56 straight games—and the way it mesmerized the country and changed baseball. Pub date is set to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the streak, in 2011; Time Inc. Studios has also acquired feature, documentary and TV rights to the work.
Morgan Lands Guitar Hero
Farley Chase, of Scott Waxman, has sold Thomas Scott McKenzie'sPower Chord: One Man's Ear-Splitting Quest to Find His Guitar Heroes. Cal Morgan at HarperCollins acquired North American rights. McKenzie, who has an M.F.A. and runs a Web site about writing/publishing called Slushpile.net, seeks out the rock gods of his youth in the memoir, to try to unlock the reason his own guitar has held such sway over him his entire life.
Cooking for Infants
Alyse Diamond of St. Martin's won, at auction, Baby Love, a cookbook featuring recipes for infants. Washington, D.C., couple Norah O'Donnell and Geoff Tracy wrote the book—she's the chief Washington correspondent for MSNBC (and does spots for Today) and he's a chef/restaurateur with five local eateries—after Tracy whipped up tasty dishes for the pair's three babies. Diamond acquired North American rights for six figures, in a deal brokered by Lane Zachary and Todd Shuster of Zachary Shuster Harmsworth.