Santo to Tantor

Amy Santo has been named marketing manager at Tantor Audio. Santo was most recently a Web marketing manager for a major retailer and also worked as a producer for PBS and NBC affiliates.

Healy at Book Rights Registry

Michael Healy has moved from his position at the Book Industry Study Group to work full-time on the preparations to establish the Book Rights Registry. He can be reached at

Bick Joins Doug Grad

George Bick has joined the Doug Grad Literary Agency as associate agent. Bick was, most recently, senior v-p, director of sales and associate publisher at HarperCollins.

Eulau Up at S&S

Dennis Eulau has been promoted to executive v-p, operations, and CFO of Simon & Schuster. In his new role, Eulau will add responsibility for all of S&S's financial operations. Eulau, who will report to S&S CEO Carolyn Reidy, replaces David England, who resigned. In a related announcement, David Byrnes, who had been at S&S parent company CBS, is joining S&S in the newly created position of v-p, finance and strategic planning, reporting to Eulau.