13: Percentage of college students
who bought an e-book in the past three months
56: Percentage of students who bought an e-book because the book was required reading
77: Percentage of students who bought an e-book and read it on a laptop computer or Netbook
19: Percentage of students who bought an e-book and read it on a dedicated reading device
8: Percentage of college students who own a dedicated e-reader
24: Percentage of iPhone owners among students who own a digital reader
22: Percentage of Nook owners among students who own a digital reader
16: Percentage of Kindle DX owners among students who own a digital reader
16: Percentage of Kindle 3 owners among students who own a digital reader
5: Percentage of students who don't own an e-reader, but plan to buy one in the near future
26: Percentage of students considering buying a digital reader who say they will buy an iPad
74: Percentage of college students who prefer a print textbook for classroom use
Students and E-Books By the Numbers
Nov 01, 2010
A version of this article appeared in the 11/01/2010 issue of Publishers Weekly under the headline: Students and E-Books By the Numbers