The Adventures of Princess Ramele and Prince Peter, Vol. 2

Mona Leung

“High above the continent Porqueh, a giant eagle soared.”

Be. Love.

Christin Collins

“We are a disconnected culture, and it’s destroying our health and well-being!”

The Bloodwood Society

Ainsley Doty

“Far below where her bare feet dangled, a set of waves crashed against the rocky shore.”

Bones: Anorexia, Anxiety and My Path to Self-Love

Robyn Shumer, with Natasha

“I was eight years old the first time I stepped on a scale and silently prayed.”

Coping Courageously: A 
Heart-Centered Guide for Navigating a Loved One’s 
Illness Without Losing Yourself

Delia Chiaramonte

“I keep a compost container on my kitchen counter.”

Fade into the Night: Philly Heat Series

Becky Flade

“Dulcet tone from bow and string created grace as music soared to the vaulted ceiling and images of horror panned across the wall.”

Found: Book One of the Vinyi Chronicles

Lesli Weber

“Cold rain drenched the audience as they stood in front of a giant figure covered in a brightly tricolored French flag.”

The Gilded Age Promise: Kopp Chronicles

Gregory Kopp

“Cold rain drenched the audience as they stood in front of a giant figure covered in a brightly tricolored French flag.”

Havana Fear: A Pepper Ryan Mystery Thriller

Timothy Fagan

“Angel Cavada could feel the side-eye from his girlfriend, Marisol Borja, as they bumped along in a dirty taxi through the tropical afternoon heat.”

Her Golden Coast

Anat Deracine

“A gorgeous, grapy dusk fell over the Bay Bridge, but the hills beyond were the color of ash and wildfires.”


Kate Risse

“At a brief pause in the rain, Martin, my mother, and I wedge ourselves into Duncan’s banged-up, dark green F-150 pickup.”

A Plum Blossom in Winter

Richard Sjoquist

“Shuyuan tried to steady the fork on the front wheel of her bike as she nervously loosened her grip on the handlebar.”