Publishers Weekly GalleyTracker
Submitting your books for inclusion in Publishers Weekly's Fall 2025 children's previews is a two-step process:
A. Login or create an account on PW's GalleyTracker system.
B. Go to the Previews section and click on the Enter Children's Previews link. (Be sure NOT to click on the "Submit Review" or "Review Status" links.)
C. This link takes you to a page with a box where you enter (or copy-and-paste) a list of 13-digit ISBN (EAN) numbers which should correspond with the books you want considered for PW's Fall 2025 Previews. Each ISBN should be separated by a line break. In other words, the list should look like this:
It's OK to include dashes, but it's not necessary; and it's OK to list as many ISBNs as you'd like. (For titles being published in multiple formats simultaneously, please submit the ISBN for only one format.)
D. Once you've entered your list of ISBNs, you will receive an email confirming your entry, including a list of the ISBNs.
Approximately one day later, you will receive an email from the GalleyTracker system telling you that your ISBNs have been processed, which means we have added the following information (from Ingram) for each of your titles:
- title and subtitle
- contributors (author, illustrator, translator, editor)
- publication date
- imprint
- pages
- price
- format
- marketing description
- series title
- age range start
- age range end
This email will have a URL you can click on, or you can login to GalleyTracker, to edit and/or add information to your titles.
If you only see the ISBN for your book on this page, but no other data, this means that your book metadata is not yet available in Ingram and you will need to enter it manually by clicking "View/Edit."
IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to be considered for inclusion, all children's previews submissions must be complete and must include a "PW Pitch" (300-character maximum), which you must add during this editing process.
GalleyTracker tells you if your record has complete information, including the "PW Pitch," because it puts a check-mark in the "completed?" column on the list of your entered titles in the "Edit/Revew Children's Previews" page in GalleyTracker. If a title doesn't have a check-mark next to it, it will not be considered.
You can login to GalleyTracker and make these edits/changes–and you can also add new titles–at any time before the previews deadline, Friday, March 21, 2025. After the deadline, you will not be able to change or add any new information.
The publishing season for which we are requesting information extends from August 1, 2025 through January 31, 2026. If a publisher submits titles with pub dates that fall outside of that range, those titles will not be included in our issue.
We are seeking information on original children’s board books, picture books, and middle-grade and YA fiction and nonfiction. Please do not include paperback reprints of hardcover books and reissues of previously published books. Please do not include boxed sets. Also, we only selectively print listings of series titles, so we ask you to please limit your submission of series titles to only your most important ones. Include the series name with the book title (i.e. Divergent series: Allegiant), and if a book title is part of a series, please note whether it launches, continues, or concludes said series.
If your titles are distributed by a larger house or distribution company, please do not assume that your distributor will submit your titles. Please check with your distributor to coordinate.
Submission does not guarantee inclusion. Due to space considerations, we must make editorial decisions as to what will be included in our print listings, and we reserve the right to omit some listings.
These previews listings will run in the July 14, 2025 issue of Publishers Weekly.
Please take care to ensure the accuracy and completeness of your submissions; we can’t be responsible for errors or titles that are omitted, and may have to eliminate from consideration entries with incomplete information. We recommend that the listings be written up ahead of time, and checked in-house, before they are cut and pasted into GalleyTracker.
Please be sure each named contributor’s role in creating the book–author, illustrator, photographer, editor (only if an anthology), etc.–is correctly specified. You can do this in the "contributor" field. We do not list the role of "author," but we list all other roles. If each contributor's role is not listed correctly, they may be listed that way, or a contributor may be omitted.
Here is a list of the required information we need for listings:
Title (including subtitle)
Contributor(s) (including illustrator, photographer, editor (only if an anthology), translator)
Publication date
Format (hardcover, paperback, etc.)
Age range start (We do not list titles by grade level so if that is the way your house categorizes titles, please convert each grade level to an age range.)
Age range end
Indicate if your title is a graphic novel by clicking “yes” or “no” next to the field “Comics/Graphic Novels”
“PW Pitch”: All submissions must include a “PW Pitch”: a concise, objective description of the content or plot of each book, not catalog copy, taglines, or blurbs from other media. Do not treat this description field as a pitch for coverage or inclusion, but more as a way to concisely describe your book to us. Please write your book descriptions/PW Pitches factually and succinctly–in one or two sentences.
An example: “A department-store teddy bear embarks on a quest to find his missing button, and to make a friend.” NOT “A heartwarming tale for children of all ages!”
Please see last season’s listings as a style guide for how we run book descriptions in our listings, and please try to mimic that style:
We will continue to highlight interior artwork from picture books in our print listings, and you are invited to submit digital artwork for this purpose. Please send us high-res digital images via Dropbox (or another file-sharing service) for any picture books you would like us to consider by Friday, May 2, 2025. Please do not send novels.
To submit your artwork, please share a Dropbox link with Iyana Jones (—do not email artwork as an attachment. The following information must be included either in the file name or caption for each book: title, illustrator, publisher, and imprint. Even if you have already submitted these books to PW as review copies, you must separately submit your artwork for the spring issue.
If you have additional questions, please see our FAQ page. Or you can email