Almost exactly one year to the day after Chegg introduced a platform for online textbooks, its HTML5 eTextbook Reader that can be read on any Internet-connected device, it announced that it will begin offering open source e-textbooks through OpenStax College and the 20 Million Minds Foundation. Beginning this month, students will be able to access eTextbook Reader tools for open source digital titles, including community q & a, social highlighting, and note taking. They will also be able to use Chegg’s homework help platform.
“Our eTextbook platform is a golden opportunity to marry the promise of online education with the practical realities and needs of online instructors and students,” said Chegg president and CEO Dan Rosensweig.
“We are thrilled to partner with Chegg to give all schools and students access to open source textbooks through their innovative digital platform,” added 20 Million Minds founder Dean Florez. “Our mission is to increase access by eliminating unnecessary hurdles to affordability and accessibility.”
Chegg will offer OpenStax College’s open source textbooks for Introductory Sociology, College Physics, and Statistics this month. In the spring, it will add Introductory Biology and Anatomy and Physiology.