Amazon's CreateSpace division has struck a deal with the Library of Congress to make at least 50,000 public books available at LOC also reached an agreement with Amazon Europe to make tens of thousands of books in the public domain available to customers at,, and via POD.

LOC is giving CreateSpace and Amazon Europe digital copies of scanned public domain books in their collections. “We are pleased to now give the public a way to enjoy print on-demand access to library collections around the world,” said Dr. Deanna Marcum, associate librarian for library services at LOC.

Other institutions, such as the University of Michigan Library, have already made titles available on Amazon’s U.S. and European sites. And earlier this year, the British Library announced it would bring at least 65,000 public domain titles to market using POD.

“Libraries are adopting print on-demand to give the public access to more works globally that may previously only have been available in a single country or even just in their individual physical catalogs,” said Dana LoPiccolo-Giles, managing director of CreateSpace. “We are looking forward to helping support The Library of Congress in its public access and preservation mission through our print on-demand solution.”