Woongjin Think Big was established in 1980 as Woongjin Publications and publishes educational materials for all ages, including study books, collections, single works, after school learning materials, textbooks, and online content. Divisions of Woongjin include Educational Culture Business, Future Education Business, School Culture Business, English Educational Business, Middle School Education Business, and Research & Development Division.

Woongjin Holdings has recorded 10% average growth in the 31 years since its founding, and portrays itself in a company brochure as the “only Korean company established after 1970 to grow into a full sized conglomerate.”

Since 2006, the company has been involved in the development of globalization centers within its English Education division, which operates 9 branches and 17 franchizes. The division employs 250 native speakers alongside 9000 Korean teachers in all parts of the country.

Woongjin Think Big includes educational brands Woongjin Knowledge House, Leader’s Book, Woongjin Junior, Gallion, Start, Walking Tree, and Penguin Classics Korea.

Key Company Developments in 2013


According to the financial report for fiscal year 2012, Woogjin Think Big reported declining revenues for the third year and a net loss.

A turnaround was achieved in 2013 after Woongiin eased its significant accumulated debt burden, following erosion of its financial structure and earnings by previous expansion of the group since 2008.

Woongjin Holdings includes Woongjin Coway (with earnings of 1.71 trillion KRW, and profits of 14,2 %); Woongjin Chemical (1.08 trillion KRW and 11 % profits); Woongjin Energy (313,4 billion KRW and 6.4% profits); and publishing division Woongjin Think Big (revenues of 775.9 billion KRW, down 2.1 % from 792.7 billion KRW in 2010, and profits of 4.2%, down from 8.4% in 2010).

At Woongjin Holdings, a strategic vision was defined for 2015, aiming for 15 trillion KRW of sales and 2 trillion in operating income.

Ownership, Mergers & Acquisition,Internal Organization

Educational materials for English and math were scaled down in 2013.


Part of the company’s strategic vision includess global expansion for educational.

Bestselling Authors & Titles

Newly-launched ‘Think U’ (an on-off blended learning tool) is expected to generate profits.

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