Harper Lee to Publish Second Novel
Lee, whose single published book to date, To Kill a Mockingbird, is considered one of the most important American novels, has a new title in the works. Go Set a Watchman, which the author completed in the 1950s, will be published by HarperCollins in July. Amid concerns about Lee’s involvement in the deal, HC released a statement on the author’s behalf that said she is “happy as hell” about the response to the news.
Harlequin Purchase Lifts Harper
Revenue rose 20% at HarperCollins in the second quarter ended Dec. 31, 2014, over the comparable period in 2013, hitting $469 million. The increase was driven by HC’s acquisition of Harlequin. EBITDA increased 13%, to $77 million.
Donnelley Wins Courier
Courier Corp. has accepted a $23-per-share offer from R.R. Donnelley to acquire the company. The Donnelley bid topped an earlier offer from Quad/Graphics.