Severn House, an indie publisher established in 1974, continues to expand its wide-ranging library of genre fiction. Whether it's romance, cozy mystery, or fantasy, Severn House is committed to publishing unique stories from established and emerging authors. Joanne Grant, publisher of Severn House, shared her thoughts on the company's 50th anniversary, what sets Severn House apart from other publishers, and her aspirations for the next 50 years.

Severn House is celebrating a huge milestone this year. How does it feel to be 50?!

Incredibly exciting! We’ve been publishing great genre fiction for 50 years, and it feels like our list is more vibrant than it’s ever been.

The press has an unusually rich history. What makes it special, and how would you describe its position in the market?

We were founded in 1974 as an independent publisher rereleasing popular out-of-print titles to the library market. We now publish original new works from a list of beloved genre fiction authors as well as rising stars.

What makes us unique is our independent spirit, our commitment to quality in everything we do, and our enduring love of libraries. We’re not afraid to take risks on unusual, out-of-the-box stories; we believe a good story should have an opportunity to reach its audience.

We’re also committed to continuing to produce quality hardback editions of each title—something unusual for a genre fiction publisher!

You became publisher in 2021. What drew you to the job? What kinds of changes have you overseen since you came aboard?

Severn House appealed to me because of the range of stories published. I have a background in genre fiction, particularly romance, but I have always read widely. I have a special love of horror with a retro vibe—it reminds me of the books I read as a child, late into the night, scaring myself silly! I was drawn to the potential of Severn House. It has been successful for half a century, and I could see ways to evolve the unique publishing model for the years to come.

So far, I have broadened our acquisition remit, both in terms of genre and in terms of the voices we publish. I’ve also encouraged flexibility and growth in how we publish. Libraries remain a key market for us, but genre readers are everywhere and we want to reach them!

Severn House is arguably best known as a mystery publisher. However, especially since you joined, the press has been expanding into other genres and categories. What can you tell us about that?

Throughout its history, Severn House has published across many genres. However, in more recent years our list has mainly comprised crime and mystery books, so we see the expansion into genres as a return to our roots. I find it incredibly energizing to be broadening our list!

This means that alongside our strong list of established mystery authors—Simon Brett, Paul Doherty, Cynthia Harrod-Eagles, to name a few—we have fresh voices in SFF with Davis Bunn and Esme Addison, unnerving domestic suspense from Becky Masterman and Clea Simon, and a new horror series by Matt Hilton.

With Severn House’s expanded genre focus, are there any forthcoming titles that you’d point to as ones you’re particularly excited about... and that people might not have expected to see on your list in the past?

Too many to count! Our big upcoming release is the paperback edition of Lee Goldberg’s Calico—a mash-up of police procedural and 1800s Western, with a dash of sci-fi thrown in. It really is a page-turning wild ride, as you’d expect from a writer such as Lee.

We also have the paperback edition of Jason Pinter’s satirical near future sci-fi thriller Past Crimes releasing in the U.S. in October. It’s a gripping dystopian novel that imagines a world where true crime fans don’t just listen to podcasts but participate in grisly VR re-creations of history’s most notorious crimes! As a listener of true crime podcasts, this made for a fabulous, but at times uncomfortable, read—when does entertainment cross the line?

I’m also very excited to have some really great horror books on the horizon. Matt Hilton’s Wicked Jenny will be releasing in January 2025, the first in a series of novels based on cautionary tales. I am particularly excited about this because it has undertones of Stephen King’s It, which takes me straight back to the creepy horror books of my youth!

Overall, what would you say that you offer readers that they might not get anywhere else?

Exciting, fun, and unique books! We have genre mash-ups, historical mysteries, laugh-out-loud cozies, binge-worthy series, and fantastic read-late-into-the-night standalones.

We’re also committed to continuing our print program. While many genre fiction publishers are moving increasingly toward a digital-only model, we continue to produce physical editions, both in hardback and in paperback, that readers can place on their keeper shelves.

A lot has changed at the press—but what has stayed the same?

Our passion for great genre fiction! From our meticulous editorial care right through to the production of quality print editions, our dedicated team is committed to publishing top-notch reads from talented authors.

As you think about the future of Severn House, what are you most excited about?

Bringing more fantastic stories to more readers! We want to continue pushing the boundaries of genre fiction and bringing more exciting new voices to an audience of voracious readers.