Broadleaf Gets Messy

Valerie Weaver-Zercher at Broadleaf Books bought world rights to a book about “messy minimalism” by blogger Rachelle Crawford. The book “helps readers adopt a rational, sustainable, and faith-based form of minimalism,” according to the publisher. The deal was unagented, and publication is slated for fall 2021.

Brazos Buys ‘Strange Religion’

Bryan Dyer, acquisitions editor for Brazos Press, took world rights directly from author Nijay K. Gupta to a book entitled Strange Religion. The book, which is scheduled for publication in fall 2023, examines what made early Christians stand out in their historical context and how this might motivate contemporary believers.

Zondervan Doubles Up

Zondervan associate publisher Stephanie Smith bought world rights from Joy Eggerichs Reed of Punchline Agency to two books by artist-storyteller Scott Erickson. The first book, entitled Honest Advent: Awakening to the Wonder of God-With-Us Then, Here, and Now, features 25 images and meditations centered on the Christmas story and how it’s still relevant today. It’s slated for publication in October. The second yet-to-be-titled book in the deal is expected in fall 2021. Additional details are not yet available.