Stuart Applebaum, senior v-p and director of public relations for Random House Inc., has donated $100,000 to the Queens College Library, the largest one-time endowment the library has received. Applebaum, a 1971 Queens College graduate, made the donation in memory of his brother, Edward, a 1977 QC alumnus who died two years ago. QC will use $30,000 to name a seminar room for Edward Applebaum. The balance of the endowment will go toward the purchase of reading materials in computer science, medicine, math and general sciences. Stuart said the "contribution is payback for keeping so many of my QC books past their due date. Any studying I ever did was in the library, and without it I probably never would have graduated."

This is not the first time Applebaum has gone the philanthropic route. In 1999 he established a $100,000 endowment at the Queens Borough Public Library in honor of his brother, mother and father, and donated another $1,000 to each of the favorite charities of 50 guests who attended his 50th birthday party.